Spectator Info

Spectators can access aid station #3 and #4 easily and, of course, the start/finish at Sasamat Lake. Aid stations #1, #2 and #6 are accessible to spectators but only if you park in a parking lot and hike in to them. Please note that runners may accept outside aid or assistance from spectators, but only within the boundaries of an aid station. Do not risk a DNF!

The attached link to the Buntzen Lake Rec map brochure shows all the roads and trails in the area.


The small blue map on page one of the brochure shows how to get to the Buntzen Lake Park from Lougheed/Hwy 7. If you study the main map inset, you will see the main parking area. The beach area nearby has a “picnic shelter”. This is aid station #3 (23km for runners). Runners will be coming through here from 9:25am until 12:00pm.

After you see your runner there, you can simply drive a little way back along the park road (~ 2km) to the ‘equestrian staging area’ parking lot which is the location of aid station #4 (shown on the larger map and still within the park boundaries) (30 km for runners)

If you want to see runners at the finish line , you need to drive around to Sasamat Lake, which is about a 15 minute drive away from Buntzen Lake. Sasamat Lake is shown on the small blue map on the brochure. It is not labelled but the road names are labelled. Sasamat is the small circular lake just southwest of Buntzen on that map.

Racer inquiries or eager volunteers, please contact us:

diezvista (at) gmail (dot) com